LED Scoreboards for Sporting Grounds and Clubs

Enhance the profile and revenue of your local Sporting Club with a state of the art LED Super Scoreboard.

More and more clubs are turning to electronic scoreboards and with our system you aren't only bound to showing the results of the big game. The major advantage of LED Scoreboards is you can use our PC based scoring system to show the scores while having the flexibility to switch to messages or advertising from your sponsors during any breaks.

You can easily display graphics, slides, animations, information and messages to promote club events and sponsors. 
With the ability to give local business better exposure you'll not only make it easier to retain existing sponsors but be able to attract many new sponsors as well. 
In addition you will be able to better promote club events and fundraisers.  Greater awareness = better results.

From AFL to Water Polo, we have scoring software to suit nearly any sport you can think of.  Our system allows you to score from the comfort of the clubrooms or grandstand using a laptop, iPad or even iPhone.  With big bold text the scores will be seen from right around the ground or stadium.  Include a clock or weather information if you like.

Imagine how much new revenue your club could bring in with the ability to sell advertising on a match by match basis. In the old money a sponsor would have to pay a yearly subscription and have the expense of permanent signage to hang at your club. With LED scoreboard systems they can supply anything from static advertising up to TV commercials. 

Increase club sponsorship and improve retention of existing sponsors! 

Our scoreboard systems give you the ability to easily alter content on a regular basis.  Why not give your sponsors the option to show a different promotion every week?

Our large video display screens are the only solution for outdoor video applications, nothing else will compete in brightness or weather resistance.

Your LED Super Scoreboard can be mounted to the wall of your clubrooms or in a stand-alone structure around the ground. We can even mount your scoreboard on a mobile trailer to give you complete flexibility depending on your event. 
Whilst our screens will handle the Melbourne weather some customers are concerned about vandalism. Don't worry, we have mounting solutions to protect your investment for years to come.

Off the shelf sports scoring software shown on an outdoor video screen means you won't have any of the bugs associated with sport specific or propriatry scoreboard systems.  We only use a high quality product with an extremely long lifespan so you get a long term solution.  Off the shelf equipment from a reputible supplier means you can rely on long term service and support.

Improve communication between club and spectators, Contact ANSO SuperScreens today for more information.